
How old is Providence?

How old is Providence? is a map of parcels in Providence, stylized by the year of last building construction. All of the data comes from the City’s GIS Portal. This visualization was inspired by Kyril Negoda’s How old is Minneapolis?

Hovering on a parcel reveals the year, and clicking on it will open the relevant entry in Vision.

Providence Parking Inventory

The Downtown Providence Parking site is an exhaustive inventory of parking in Downtown Providence, Rhode Island.

The goal of the project is to produce visuals and statistics showing that far too much space is devoted to parking in the city’s core and that changes need to be made.

I collected most of the data myself, added it to OpenStreetMap for anyone to use, and built this overview from that data.

Station Search

Station Search is a page I put together for a UI/UX class in 2019. The only thing it does is list all 272 stations on the London Underground and provide some basic tools to sort, filter, and search these station listings.

More detailed information about how I put this together is available in the code repository, but the data was mostly scraped from Wikipedia into one big JSON file. The site itself is a React app, with an interface heavily inspired by the Tube's design language and TfL's design guidelines.